Hellbound Game



Make and release a game, made in a custom cross-platform (PC & PS5) engine.

Project Started:

Spring - Summer 2023

Time Bounds:

8 weeks

Team Size:

18 teammates, 8 programmers, 4 graphics programmers: 2 DX12, 2 PS5

My Role:

DX12 graphics programmer, VFX, procedural animations, cut-scenes, gameplay



My Contribution:

Contribution Gallery:

  • Inspired by the bloom effect in Unity.
  • I created downsampling, tent filter upsampling, blur, tone mapping, and additive blending shaders.
Alpha Blending
  • Sorts all blending elements for the proper render order
  • Works simultaneously for models, sprites, and particles
Inverse Kinematics
  • Works for arms with any number of joints of custom sizes
  • Can select a part of the arm, affected by the IK
  • Can bind custom meshes for each joint
  • Works in local space so can be attached to any object
  • Was used for the Boss movement
Custom Shaders
  • Colors for monochromacy and threshold, line thickness, etc. can be tweaked
  • The area, in which shaders are applied is custom for a smooth transition
  • Was used for the player's death
  • The extended version of the shader is used for the rage mode
Emissive Sprites
  • Can be tweaked through ImGui
  • Works for models with animated textures, sprites, and particles
Boss Hit
  • Switches materials for the hierarchy runtime
  • Smoothly blends the environment in front of the player, using material factors of GLTF
New Particle System
  • Uses fake physics with accelerations based on weight, initial velocity, gravity
Game Cut Scenes
  • Intro, level transition, and outro
  • All are made by me using engine features to highlight them
  • Event execution on input
  • Custom tasks based on the input device
  • Slow motion
  • Works for models and sprites

About this Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm Andrei Bazzaev, a game developer and graphics programmer. Check out my projects and other parts of my portfolio to see my skills and experience.

I'm currently seeking an internship, so feel free to contact me with any opportunities. Thank you for visiting!






Email: bazz0205@gmail.com

Phone: +31615426315


Created with © systeme.io