Andrei Bazzaev

About Me

I am Andrei Bazzaev, a 21-year-old game developer specializing in graphics programming. My main focus is cross-platform custom engine development in multidisciplinary teams. I am most confident with DX12 graphics API. However, I have experience with UE5, PS5 AGC, OpenGL, ray tracers, and game engine tools. I am a team player with a passion for unleashing artists’ creative freedom.

I am ready to enhance my skills, gain AAA game development experience, and contribute to cutting-edge technologies.

What do I do?


I am currently in my third year of the Creative Media and Game Technologies Programming course at Buas University of Applied Sciences.

Additional Courses

Educational Center “Samsung IT School” (2019-2020)

· 132 academic hours in the educational program “IT and programming. Android application development”

Educational Center “Tinkoff Generation (2018 – 2020)

· Educational program “Algorithms and Data structures”

Educational Center “Children’s technology park “Quantorium” (2018 – 2019)

· 144 academic hours of the educational program “The project module in Robotics”

Educational Center “Sirius” - Educational Foundation “Talent and Success” (2016)

· 126 academic hours of the educational program “The advanced study of Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics”

Educational Center “Art school “Colibri” (2008 – 2018)

· Educational programs “Academic drawing”, “Academic painting”, “Graphics”, “Composition”

Academic Achievements

Prize-winner of the municipal stage of the all-Russian school Olympiad:

• Foreign language 2017

• World art 2016

• Economics 2019

• Physics 2018, 2019

• Social Studies 2019

• Computer science 2019

• Mathematics 2016, 2019

Winner of the municipal stage of the all-Russian school Olympiad:

• Computer science 2020

• Mathematics 2017, 2018, 2020

Prize-winner of the regional stage of the all-Russian school Olympiad:

• Economics 2020

• Computer science 2020, 2021

• Mathematics 2018, 2020, 2021

Winner of the regional championship “Junior skills”:

• in the nomination “Electronics”

Winner of the regional project competition “IT School”:

• In the nomination “Best game application”

Prize-winner of the Physics and Mathematics Olympiad “Rosatom” 2016

Prize-winner of the Mathematics Olympiad by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 2016.

Winner of the Mathematics Olympiad by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 2017, 2019

Winner of the Physics Olympiad by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 2017.

Prize-winner of the Physics Olympiad by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 2019.

About this Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm Andrei Bazzaev, a game developer and graphics programmer. Check out my projects and other parts of my portfolio to see my skills and experience.

I'm currently seeking an internship, so feel free to contact me with any opportunities. Thank you for visiting!






Phone: +31615426315


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